The Mouth-Body Connection
Did you know that bleeding of your gum tissues may be a sign of chronic inflammation and that this inflammation can lead to stroke, heart disease, complications in diabetics and low birth weight premature babies?
This inflammation in your mouth is something your dental hygienist can help you prevent with proper treatment. Your hygienist can also teach you proper oral hygiene techniques which will help your body recover and stay healthy.
Your mouth is connected to the rest of your body, so if it is unhealthy, your overall health will be affected.
There are recent studies that correlate the plaque-forming bacteria in your mouth with the plaque which can form in your heart valves leading to heart disease!
When your body is infected with bacteria (such as the bacteria in your mouth which causes cavities and bone loss), it releases chemicals which communicate that it is under attack. These chemical signals can make your body react in such a way as to induce pre-term labor!
If you are diabetic you already know that, due to your illness, your body does not heal as quickly as a healthy person. Therefore, gum disease is more common in diabetics. People with poor diabetes control may also suffer from a dry, burning mouth. Lack of saliva increases your risk of tooth decay as plaque acids are not cleared away as quickly.
The good new is that your dental team is available to help you stay healthy, and not just in your mouth. Modern dental professionals are educated in diseases of the body which may affect, or be affected by, the conditions in your mouth.
This is why my blog is named Healthy Mouth=Healthy Body, and why it is so important to not put off that visit to your dental office any longer. If you would like more information on illnesses connected to oral health, Pfizer (the makers of Listerine) has a short explanation of multiple conditions and how they are effected by your dental health - click here to check it out.

This inflammation in your mouth is something your dental hygienist can help you prevent with proper treatment. Your hygienist can also teach you proper oral hygiene techniques which will help your body recover and stay healthy.
Your mouth is connected to the rest of your body, so if it is unhealthy, your overall health will be affected.
There are recent studies that correlate the plaque-forming bacteria in your mouth with the plaque which can form in your heart valves leading to heart disease!
When your body is infected with bacteria (such as the bacteria in your mouth which causes cavities and bone loss), it releases chemicals which communicate that it is under attack. These chemical signals can make your body react in such a way as to induce pre-term labor!
If you are diabetic you already know that, due to your illness, your body does not heal as quickly as a healthy person. Therefore, gum disease is more common in diabetics. People with poor diabetes control may also suffer from a dry, burning mouth. Lack of saliva increases your risk of tooth decay as plaque acids are not cleared away as quickly.
The good new is that your dental team is available to help you stay healthy, and not just in your mouth. Modern dental professionals are educated in diseases of the body which may affect, or be affected by, the conditions in your mouth.
This is why my blog is named Healthy Mouth=Healthy Body, and why it is so important to not put off that visit to your dental office any longer. If you would like more information on illnesses connected to oral health, Pfizer (the makers of Listerine) has a short explanation of multiple conditions and how they are effected by your dental health - click here to check it out.